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Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Surprise Finding...


This article details a Canadian research project that led to a surprise finding.   It inadvertently found a very old, diabetes medication, Metformin could impact hidden HIV reservoirs.  They think this med could lead to the reservoirs becoming active & eventually depleted.  If this is so, it could eliminate the virus from the body.  A possible treatment.  So far they made this statement.

... when taken for three months, improved patients' immunity and reduced the chronic inflammation usually associated with complications such as cardiovascular disease.

There are more details in the piece.  This is a "Shock & Kill" approach to dealing with the viral reservoir.  This approach basically activates the dormant HIV, so meds can deal with it.  If it is possible, this could lead to a cure someday.  

It'll take further research to tell if this is a viable approach.  It could be years out or never happen.  Still, it has potential.  At least to move the research forward if nothing else.  Every little bit helps.

Take care.


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