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Friday, September 20, 2024

Another Early, Maybe Hard Morning...


On top of normal Friday things, we have other errands.  The 1st bill of next month has arrived & has to be paid.  The gas company always wants their payment early.  Its easier just to handle it when it gets here.  I also need to get my last hepatitis shot.  Past that, there's checking mail, shopping & getting lunch.

The hard part of today, is that I have to take the kitten into the vet.  He, Machen, has been acting off for over a week.   There's been a lot of stillness & sleeping.  At 1st we thought it was the seasonal change & allergies.  But, he hasn't eaten anything notable since Tuesday & doesn't seem to be drinking his water either.  The litter box is pretty empty.  He's moving his jaw weird, drooling, has so tiny blood specks on his fur & he stinks.  He's mostly been retreating.   If this isn't something easy like an infection or dental issue, this could be his last morning.   I hope not.

I have to get moving.  Take care.


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