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Monday, September 16, 2024

Summer Ending...


September is halfway over.  There's less than a week left of Summer.   This wasn't a great Summer, but still there was some light.  Now, it'll just get dark, damp, dismal & cold.  There's nothing about this time of year I really enjoy anymore.  Well, not enough to endure the rest of it.  I don't hate the holidays anymore, but I could live without them.  

A lot of people are cheering for Autumn to arrive.  If people want darkness, they can use blackout drapes.  No amount of artificial light really makes up for real sunlight.  From those of us dealing with SAD, screw the darkness & semi light.

The thing is, I'm fine at night.  I just hate the grey days.  My body never really wakes up & my eyes never focus.   If I could, I'd be like those people that travel with the sun all year round.  It sounds better than being stuck in the dark.

Here's to the last of Summer.  


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