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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Progress, Maybe & Endings...


I took the kitten to a new vet yesterday.  I was ready to come home with an empty carrier.   It didn't turn out that way.  The vet examined him & gave him a shot for inflammation.  The kitten had some sores in his mouth, but for now his teeth alright.  He was prescribed something to coat the sores & an antibiotic.  He isn't enjoying the meds, but they're here for probably a week.   He seems a bit more alert & interactive.  He mostly stayed out with us yesterday.  This morning I saw him eating & drinking a bit.  That's progress.  Hopefully, it continues.  Now we wait & see.

A bit on the new vet.  I'm glad he got us in & someone could see the kitten.  Still, I don't think he was a good for for us.  I think his preference is dogs & larger animals.  He wasn't a good stick for drawing blood for testing.  It took him quite a bit to get a temperature reading & the kitten didn't appreciate the anal attention.  He seemed very interested in hard selling RX flea meds.  None of our cats have handled them well & they're expensive.  The vet made it sound like the kitten was covered in fleas.  I went over him when we got home & found less than a dozen on him.  He hadn't been letting me go over since he's been sick.   That many fleas isn't a mass infestation.  Now, I see why our regular vet stays so busy.  

This is the last day of Summer 2024.  Tomorrow is the equinox & Fall begins.  It hit 101 yesterday, the hottest day of the month.  It could get close again today.  Tomorrow could be nearly as warm.  A pleasant Fall would be nice, not to hot or cold.  Goodbye Summer.

This article is over a HIV vaccine approach.  The current strategies aren't working.  Researchers are trying a multi stage application.  At 1st they wanted 7 injections, but that wouldn't be practical.  They've came down to 2; a smaller 1st dose  followed by the larger 2nd.   It's like priming the well.  They're still in research mode.  It may be a long time before this comes to fruition, if ever.  Still, it's development.

Take care & until next time, so long Summer.


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