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Sunday, September 8, 2024

Cooler Weekend...


It got cooler this weekend.  We dropped into the 50s for the overnight temps.  After this it should be back into seasonal temps for a while.  Leaves are falling &  days are getting shorter.  I have no use for this autumnal fanfare.  This show just leads down a dark road of shorter days, bitter cold & the holiday season.  None of which I need or want.   

I just wanted some lackadaisical, long days with bright skies, pleasant breezes & nice temps.  There've been precious few of those the last few years.  Just muggy darkness & blazing heat for most of the Summer.  The 2000's have definitely not been something to write home about.  I definitely wouldn't recommend them.  Horrible time, bad service, pricey everything & full of loud, angry idiots.  

There's just 2 weeks until the equinox.  Another bust Summer will be over.  Then onto another failure of a Fall.  Maybe it won't be a bust, but I'm not counting on it.  Maybe the Great Pumpkin will eat everyone, that'd be novel.

Take care.


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