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Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Foggy Morning...


There were no fans on last night & at some point a light blanket went across my feet.  It rained & the lower temps felt chillier.  This change in weather isn't helping me sleep.  I keep waking stiff & having to roll over.  Without the fans, I hear a lot more & wonder what that sound was.  I won't say I'll get used to it, but I will adjust.  How well is the question.

It's the final midweek of the month.  The end of Summer & beginning of Fall is almost out the door.  October is full on Autumn & the gateway to holidays.  All of which I could skip.

That should be about it today; take out the trash, check the mail, grab a bite & then home.  Maybe stuff I ordered will be in.  If not it'll be there tomorrow.

Take care.


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