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Sunday, October 14, 2018

Well It Rained...

Yesterday was a gloomfest.  It poured & the next few days have a chance of being just as dark & rainy.  We got around 2".  We'll make our rain averages for the month.  Even with it being dark, I'm feeling better than I did yesterday morning.  

I got the storm door fixed on Friday.  I hope it holds.  It's nice when we can fix things on our own with calling someone to do it for us.  I mean seriously fix the issue & not just rig it.

This may be the 70ish for the season.  We didn't get much in the 70's.  We barely dropped out of the 90's into the 80's for a couple of weeks & then into the 60s.  We may have a couple days this week where we don't hit 50.  This is probably due to the hurricanes in the gulf.  Which means we could warm up some, not much, but at least back into the mid 60s.  I hate when Fall completely skips a temperature range.  A couple of weeks at 70ish would've been nice.

Take care.


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