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Saturday, October 6, 2018

4 Things...

1st, the weather is seriously weird for this time of year.  It's nearly 90 & very humid.    I was usually worried about freezing on Halloween night.  I don't think these kids will have to worry about that. 

2nd, the house drama continues.  The problem at hand seems to be beyond our capability of resolving for any significant period of time.  The item in question just needs replacing.  Off we go shopping this morning.

3rd, this article details a better understanding of the HIV virus.  Not the idea of having it, but the virus, itself.  They're studying a specific, small molecule.  While this molecule doesn't prevent the virus from existing.  It does allow it to mature & become contagious.  Interesting.

4th, this piece details who South African doctors transplanted part of an HIV+ mother's liver into her HIV- child to save it's life. (Not trying to be overly gender neutral, they just didn'tidentify the sex of the child.)    This was far from ideal, but it was intentional.  With a lack of viable donations, the choice was this or death.  A proverbial rock & hard place type of sitaution. 

Take care.  I hope today goes well. We need it.


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