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Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Maybe Just Being a Bit#%!...

Maybe I don't get it or maybe I'm just being a bit of a bitch.  But, I see articles about HIV+ people wanting to have children.  The numbers are large, always over 40% & that's including gay people.  I'm not posting articles, because all I've read on this matter so far has been mostly OpEd. 

But, if those numbers are anywhere near accurate, that's a massive amount of HIV+ people who want to be parents.   Why?  Why would you put yourself & a child through that?  It isn't easy living with HIV or being a parent.  Why would you want to combine the both of them?

These people don't seem to be implying they'd like to adopt either.  No, they have to have their own little genetic copies running amok.  We are still learning about HIV.  How it & the meds affect people, especially as they encounter other health matters, like aging.   Cognitive issues have been noted in child development among those children who were born with HIV or have to be treated for it at an early age.  There are so many issues about this we have no idea about.

HIV treatment is hard enough on adults.  We have no  certainty  of the long range effects on those born + or contracting the virus at an early age.   These offspring could be condemned to a life of hellish health issues; physical, mental & cognitive. 

OK, you want kids.  I don't get it, but fine.  So adopt.  You don't have to have copies of yourself.  Do you want to be a parent or egotist?   When there's a choice, we shouldn't condemn children to a life of being + or being born to + parents.  

Take care.


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