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Saturday, October 13, 2018

Long Day...

Yesterday wasn't a hard day.  It wasn't actually diverting.  But it was a long day & not something I'm used to doing.  I started off tired, had a long day, then drove over to Fort Smith.  There we had dinner with some friends & hung for a while before driving home.  I'm not used to driving  at night in a heavy drizzle.  Add allergies to all that & I wound up pretty exhausted.

I slept way too deep & had a problem waking up.  I'm a little stiff.  The sunlight is still off. We may get more rain.  Sunrise is all the way back to 7:22.  The time change happens in about 3 weeks, by then sunrise will probably be about 7:45.   So far the gloomy drear hasn't been getting to me too badly.  There's been enough light otherwise.  I hope that holds for a while.  

That's all for now.  Take care.


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