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Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Still Here Mostly...

So far, Fall light levels aren't getting to me too badly.  I feel it.  I know it's there.   The biggest problem with this isn't the weird emotions or even the increased exhaustion, it's the anxiety.   

When this is hitting, my mind races through every thing that could go wrong.  This anxiety isn't about monsters or fantasies, it's about real possibilities.  What if?  There's only so much I can do in preparation for any of it & past that I'm at a loss. 

S.A.D. picks at your rationality & the defenses you've built.   It taunts you to see how little you've actually done & how things are mostly hopeless.   The problem here is, it's partly right.  This situation is like reality on steroids.  Every bad thing not only can happen, it will happen.  Then it will all fall down

I'm making it into November & I've managed so far.  That's better than last year.  I lost this battle in late September then.   I can't say I'll make it through all the dark months, but I'm trying & I do have some strategies to get past the darker moments.   That's all I can do for now.

Take care.


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