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Thursday, October 25, 2018

Not All The Same...

An issue for people living with chronic illness, is that no 2 are the same.  I can  have a day where I feel relatively good, then another where I don't.  I can have stretches where life is hard & I don't feel up to doing anything.  I really never know until it's happening exactly how I'll feel at any given moment.

People living with chronic, often "invisible" illnesses other than HIV, are most likely having just as varied days.  Varied for themselves.  Different from others with the same illness.

I can't stand it when people say having HIV won't have that big of an impact on your life.   That's a lie.  Even if your health doesn't bottom out.  Even if you don't face stigma.  Even if you evade every other aspect HIV, there will be those you don't.  The financial part alone is massive.   Just because HIV hasn't affected your life "significantly" yet, just wait.  HIV is forever & it can wait.  You have no idea how things will pan out later.

My life with HIV is not like someone's who was diagnosed & treated earlier than me.  It's not like someone who started with better doctors, more aware of the virus than I did.  It's not the same as someone who started on modern meds instead of some of the dinosaurs I had in the beginning.   My life isn't theirs.  They may have better resources, react differently to meds, have more support, the list goes on.

No 2 people living with any chronic illness will live the same life.  Each will be filled with different choices, options, reactions, downfalls...  I hope all those living well with HIV can continue to do so, but that wasn't my reality.   I wish the best for them, but that doesn't mean they weren't affected, it just means they haven't accepted that part or understood it yet.  They will & that will be a hard day for them.

Take care.


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