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Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Injectable Update...

Both these, 1 & 2, are about the results in a study over Gilead's & ViiV's  2-drug, once monthly injection for HIV.   The injection consists of Cabotegravir, a new, long lasting med & Rilpivirine.  The 1st drug is a manufactured by Gilead & ViiV, the 2nd by Gilead & Johnson & Johnson.  

The article states the injection has suppression rates as good as  3 med oral regimens.  They specifically mentioned Triumeq.  I'm sure there will be complications with the injection & possible interactions, it's a medication.  But if not too severe, this could be a game changer for a lot of people.   It would make filing insurance simpler.  It's a lot easier to remember a once monthly shot as compared to a daily pill.  This could be big.


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