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Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Another PrEP Failure...

This article tells of another Truvada failure.  I'd heard about this case in San Francisco, CA earlier in the month.    I was waiting to see what would be said about it & it's very little.   At least they're not denying this case or blaming the patient.  They claim this is only the 6th failure.  I doubt that.  It may be the 6th case they couldn't deny, but it's unlikely this is just the 6th failure.  

The birth control pill nor condoms never claimed 100% success rates.  PrEP was sold with a nearly 100% efficacy.  Nothing is that, at least Gilead is finally admitting that.  Part(s) of this drug are 2 of the most apt meds for HIV resistance.  Probably due to a lack of regimen adherence.  But, still the resistance is there.   This pill depends on a host of factors, some affected by patient knowingly & unknowingly.   Drugs often have interactions with other conditions, meds, foods that can impact their efficacy.  

But, it's only 6 people they're admitting too.  They're still not ready to push education & condoms again.  That might cut into profits & undermine customer faith.  Even if this was the 6,000th  patient, Gilead will still say Truvada was a great medication.  The company's concern is profits, not patients.


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