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Monday, December 9, 2019


It's hard enough to find articles.  Quite often I can find them,  but they're just behind paywalls.  This is a problem, I don't have cash to pay for every site & I don't want to post about a piece I can't link to & have readers see w/o paying.  

I get angry about this.  HIV is a health issue.  Information over something like this should be as widespread as possible.  But let any of the leading newspapers, journals or news sites get a good piece & you're apt to hit a paywall.   I realize they have to make $.   They could at least offer health info or push decent abstracts.   I wish they'd stop using HIV pieces as hooks to get people to pay for their existence.

Rants over.  I have nothing else for today.  Every article I saw was a pay-for.   Maybe they'll pop up somewhere else.


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