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Friday, December 20, 2019

HIV Talk...

Info about HIV has dwindled.  In the 90s, it was inescapable.  It was quite literally everywhere.  You could be easily be overwhelmed by it.   To the point, it desensitized people. 

Now, we don't talk about it.  We don't educate about HIV.  There aren't ads in the back of magazines.  As the idea of HIV retreated, so did the knowledge.  

Now, there's a rise in misinformation about HIV & STIs.  According to pieces like this, stigma is rising in young people.

Decreasing information, no matter how overwhelming, is never the answer.  Learn to redirect it & present it better.  But, never lessen the exposure to info that could protect a person's life or well being.   Some say it's a scare tactic, OK, maybe.  Better scared & safe than being HIV+ & full of bravado. 

Start honestly talking about HIV again.  


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