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Thursday, December 26, 2019


No matter how great a holiday is, the day after is weird for me.   The post holiday day is like hanging around with someone after an awkward 1 night stand or looking at a half full box of bad pizza.  It isn't as bad as when I was a kid.  The holidays don't have the same build up, anticipation & expectation.  They're no longer this once a year chance at wonder.  For many, they're just normal days with twinkles.  A day of post shopping.  

We had a good outing.  I'm not sure why people were down on the movie.  We liked it.  We ate lunch with a friend.  Then we drove home & crashed.  We're tired & have spent most of our holiday spoons.  It's time to recuperate & move on.

Hello 2020, I see you.  I hope you had a good holiday.


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