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Monday, December 16, 2019

More Apt To...

Occasionally, I see an article about how people living with HIV are more apt to contract A, B or C...  Yes, we are.  HIV is a virus that makes it easier for you to contract just about any illness or develop any health related issue.   

HIV affects the autoimmune system & therefore you are more susceptible to nearly everything.   Even if on a regimen, your system isn't normal.  You aren't like everyone else, you are  more vulnerable.  It will require more effort & awareness on your part to stay healthy.

This isn't a value judgement.  It's just life for those who are HIV+.   Meds help, but they aren't a cure, nor are they complete.  Get your flu shots, vaccinate against pneumonia, etc...  It's your health, no one else is going to do it for you.


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