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Thursday, December 12, 2019


I've posted about this twice.  1st, about how paywalls kept me from seeing an article about misleading ads concerning HIV on Facebook.  2nd, I posted the next day, activists weren't mad about misleading HIV info, but about ads concerning Truvada.  Technically, I've posted once more about this issue, I just didn't realize it was related.

This piece is from a law firm's site promoting legal against Gilead for health issues regarding Truvada.  There are other pieces out there as well, but this is what some people are screaming about.  This suit is proposing Truvada & all TDF based medications are less safe.  TDF is an earlier form of Tenofovir.  

This relates back to a post I made about Gilead delaying the development of a safer HIV med, TAF.  A newer, less toxic version of the medication Tenofovir.  Many believe Gilead delayed it to insure it's patent for TDF was extended.

All HIV meds are toxic to some extent.  Is lawsuit legitimate?  I don't know.  The attorneys say, "Yes" & Gilead & PrEP activists scream, "No."  This will either be settled or have to go to court.  This isn't just on Facebook, there are TV ads, web promotions & probably print pieces as well. 

The problem is the allegations might be true.  Or they could be  a strike at Gilead for delaying the safer med.  Either way, this isn't going to disappear.   I"ll try to keep an eye on this.


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