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Friday, December 6, 2019

Gilead Again...

This piece alleges Gilead manipulated the HIV drug market.   It produces the main ingredient in PrEP & several HIV medications.    This isn't the 1st time activist have gone after the company's practices.  

The article asserts, Gilead suspended development of a safer, more effective HIV medication.  It did so until it won an extension of its patent on TAF, a prime ingredient in it's meds.  This allowed the company to basically control prices until 2025.  Only after it won the extension, did it resume development  of the safer med.  That was 5 years laters.  

That wasn't just a 5 year delay on that med, but all others that come in response to it.  If this true, Gilead held the fight against HIV for ransom for half a decade in order to stay ridiculously profitable.   The world suffered for their share holders.  How kind of them.

Give it a read & take care.


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