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Friday, December 13, 2019


Costs is still a major detriment for those on an HIV regimen.    I'm not going to post a citation, because they're fairly varied on the matter.  But, inability to afford meds is a major factor in lack of regimen adherence.   The literature states numbers from 14 - 25% of people search for cost reducing strategies to handle their HIV meds.  About half of that can't afford their meds consistently or at all.  

The cost of many medications is too high, with HIV drugs at the higher end.   Many don't have insurance with drug coverage.  Many of those don't qualify for medicaid or ADAP.    I was on ADAP for a while & it was very stressful.  I had to re-qualify every 3 months & didn't know until the day before my meds were to arrive if I had qualified.

Everything aspect of healthcare is overpriced in this country.  Until this is handled, HIV is here to stay.  Too many people simply can't get to doctors, labs, access meds or even have a stable home with food.  HIV has proliferated in part because of this society's indifference to the situation.  I'm not seeing that changing anytime soon.


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