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Saturday, July 21, 2018

Too *%&$@ HOT...

The day before yesterday was over 100 F.  Yesterday hit at 107.  It stayed that way until almost 7 PM.   By almost 9 PM it had dropped to 86 & doubled the humidity levels.  

I hadn't slept well the night before & was achy.   Before that, I'd had issues with eating & feeling queasy.   I was low on salt & dehydrated.  Yesterday's temps were more than most could handle.  My meds make me sensitive to heat.   Being chronically ill weakened me even more.  I slept poorly last night.  It was the 1st night I'd had to  use a big fan all night.  It dried me out & screwed with my sinuses, ears & eyes.  

I feel to spent to do much of anything today.  I'm glad we have some food already made.  I'm not sure what I could've put together feeling like this.  Take care & stay safe in these temps.  We're supposed to have a couple more days be warmer than usual & then return to more seasonal Summer temps of mid 90's.

Stay hydrated.


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