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Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Gloomy Summer Morning...

It's a gloomy morning.  It was supposed to rain last night, so some windows were completely closed.  The house is  incredibly humid.  It's early morning & setting at 75 F & 95% humidity.  It's sprinkling a little.  Sadly, that's probably all we'll get.   My body hates this.  I need to shower in a bit.  Getting dry afterwards in this humidity is going to be a feat.

For the next 3 or 4 days, it's supposed to be at or over a 100.  If so, it'll be our 1st for the year.  That's something I could've lived without.  At least after that it's supposed to drop back down to the lower 90's.  I hope if we do get that hot, it at least burns off the humidity.  I doubt it will, but I can hope.

Take care & try to stay comfortable.


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