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Thursday, July 19, 2018

Achy & Drama...

Humidity & sleep positions have left me with a sore back.  I've been taking ibuprofen, it's helping.  Still, the muscles are sore & will be for a bit.  I'm going shopping, maybe the walking will stretch out my lower back.

To drama.  I try to avoid it, I have enough agita, thank you very much. Some people thrive on it.  They're addicted to the aggravation, irritation, fakeness of it all.  They like living their lives with a hornet's next buzzing.  It gives them something to gripe about, focus on.  They want to look down on & condemn everything.  They aren't happy unless they're criticizing something. Tearing something down, not build themselves up, but just to be, oh so superior.  

All the current day peity of identity & ideology is based in this need to have drama.  To be a star, even if only in a tabloid of their own making.   I think this need for drama, may be the biggest cause of stigma against people for any reason.  It's just, "Stars on thars," & Sneetchdom.    They want to judge everyone else, before they get judged. They want to divert  the attention away from their own issues, shortcomings & ugliness.  

If these people can keep their lives full of drama, agitation & scapegoats, they never have to look at what hollow, rancid, painful mess their life has become.


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