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Sunday, July 8, 2018

A Quiet Morning...

The last couple of days have been oddly cooler for July.  I won't say comfortable, due to humidity, but they were cooler.  It's let me sleep better.  That always puts me in a better place healthwise.  Too many people, especially those with chronic illnesses, are prone to forget how important quality sleep really is to their well being.  

I may be down to 0 porch cats again.  Hazel passed recently & the couple from across the street seemed to have disappeared.   I don't know what happened.  I see a couple of others darting in the shadows at night, but none friendly enough to come near.   I put a little food out for them, but I think it's mostly going to birds.  This area is  rough on cats.   Not having cats on the porch is weird.

Take care.


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