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Monday, July 16, 2018

Swollen Feet & The Unknown...

The humidity has been a nightmare lately.  It's often over  95% all night long.  It's staying high during the heat of the day.  I don't feel like being that active, so my feet are swelling.  This swelling is making the skin on my feet peel & crack.  It's been a constant effort to maintain my feet this Summer.   Humidity can kill you, it can also just make your life fairly miserable.

As for the unknown, I'm talking about all the things we don't know about HIV & how it affects people.  That includes the meds used to fight it.   I'm not going to give citations here, they'd be abundant, Google the matter.  There have been ongoing conversations about how the meds/virus affect people's cognitive abilities, especially in children born with the illness.  There are ongoing studies concerning HIV + people & matters such as bone density, dementia, increased cancer susceptibility, etc...

The point being, don't get comfortable with idea of HIV.  We barely know anything about the virus.  There could be a host of issues that fall out in the next generation of people whose parents were +.  The virus could mutate tomorrow rendering our meds useless & return us to the plague years.  We don't know enough about HIV/AIDS to realize what we don't know.  Be cautious, be vigilant.  This is your life we're talking about.


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