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Monday, July 2, 2018

The Wave Is Growing...

For over a year, I've posted about rising transmission rates of HIV around the world.   I've recently talked about how lack of HIV awareness/education is leading to the spread of the virus.  There are other factors as well.

There is always stigma.  This article is about the surge of HIV amongst gay/bi men in Indonesia.  In the past decade the HIV rate for this group has gone from 5% to 25%.   This is mostly due to this group's treatment within because of the anti-gay stance of their government.  

I don't support PrEP, but some do.  This article details how the cost has soared to an average  of $2,000/month.   Insurers have raised their co-pays/deductibles & many have stopped allowing pharmaceutical companies coupons to be applied.  Some  insurers have deductibles of nearly $3,000 before the plan kicks in & even then the co-pays are high  The coupons were to negate out-of-pocket expenses for the individual.  Apparently, that pissed off the insurers & they stopped accepting the discounts.  Now those on PrEP will have to pay the full amount until their deductible is met.  Most can't.

It feels like there is a concerted effort to reestablish HIV as a world-killing, death virus.  It's being pushed by governments, political parties, religions & corporations.  They'd rather let you die, than offend their sensibilities or lose a cent in profit.

OK, Gen Y & Z, this is your fight now.   Gen X has done what it could & as usual, most of you just blew us off.   Told us to take our scary truths & go home.  OK, maybe that's exactly what we'll do.  Then what?


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