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Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Week Out...


It's a week out from my colonoscopy.  The prep wasn't fun, the procedure was easy, but the after hasn't been easy.  It's taken my body a bit to get back to normal.  The emotional ride of post sedation was something I wasn't expecting.   

As a adult, the only thing I've ever been put under for was having wisdom teeth extracted.  I don't remember having this reaction.  This time, I've been a wreck going from sad, regretful, angry, anxious, etc...  This has been the hardest part of this.

I think it's getting better, but it's taking a while.  Every little thing feels huge.  It's exhausting & unnerving.  I hate knowing things may be off, but not that off, still I'm having a melt down.  

That's it for now, take care.


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