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Sunday, July 21, 2024

Rainy & Dark...


We'd already exceeded our rainfall averages before & all this is just extra.  It's not a flood worry, even now our totals for the month are in the 4" range.  A little over an inch higher than expected.   It's supposed to rain more during the remainder of the month, so it's likely will be 2"+ over the average.  It's also been oddly cool.  Today is supposed to be in the low 80's & nothing over the mid 90s is in the forecast for the next 15 days.  Of course that could change, hopefully it won't. 

The post procedure realization I posted about yesterday may be something I never really get passed.  It'd be nice, but I'm not sure it will happen.   That may have been 1 of the only times I've ever known what it was to be that calm & peaceful.  I really wish I hadn't, to be there & then not was really hard.  It may have been the cruelest thing I've done to myself.  Every defense I had was down & then the world came rushing back. 

I wonder if some people actually know that level of peaceful calm in their lives.  I bet if they do, they can't be around others much.  Talk about bringing a person down.


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