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Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Summer So Far...


I really needed, this Summer to be good.  That hasn't happened.  It started wet & dark, leaving me with SAD.  When the sun did decide to shine, it was ballistic & hot.  

My roomie is still dealing from a loss in late May.  It's the kind there really isn't any means of moving past.  I don't envy her.  She's facing something, I never did due to having zip for a relationship with most of my family.  

Then there's the constant issues with everything around us; house, yard, health, car, etc...  Each piece needing a resolution.  Sometimes there isn't a good option.  

All of this, plus the heat, hurricanes & crappy internet have made this a crap season so far.   There's still more to come.  It could get better or it could crap out for the duration.  

By this time next week, I should be at or done with my screening.  I'm not looking forward to this.  It's an unknown & I never like those.  I don't trust any of it, but it's the best I can do with what I have available.

When you're chronically ill, they never tell you the hardest part won't be the illness.  It's existing, the just trying to live.  They tell you if you do nothing you'll get worse.  They offer treatments to keep you somewhat going.  They should offer a 3rd option.  A pill or something that just lets you call it quits & step off the ride with as much dignity & grace as you can muster.   That would've been nice.


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