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Saturday, July 13, 2024



During our lives we have these attachments to things, people, activities.  They tether us to who we are, were & will eventually be.  These are what we use to assure ourselves we can get back to our "normal" no matter how rocky life gets.  Unfortunately, sooner or later we lose these anchors that keep us moored.  

Some of these bindings we have to cut.  Some we let loose so we can grow into who we will be.  Like taking  training wheels off a bike.  But all too many of them are taken from us.  Sometimes we are what's cut loose from shore.  Ask any kid who's been forced to move away from their home, friends or comfort zone.  Other times, these tethers are torn from us & leave our lives a little less certain with each loss.

Since the beginning of the 2000's I've lost almost every tether I had.  Older friends, roommates, identity, health. etc...  There've been a lot services I used that closed, failed or bailed on me.  Insurance companies, dentists, mechanics & the like.  It's been over a year since I saw the doctor that was my primary care providers for 2 decades.  He just stopped being there & retired.  Not a peep to me.  

The problem with tethers is that they're breakable, often temporary & sometimes unidirectional.   Having that stable doctor meant a lot to me.  I meant squat to him or the dentist I liked.  As you get older, you lose more tethers & they're a lot harder to make.  No one wants to be tied to aging thing.

Whether it's people, places, things we do, these ties define & strengthen us.  Too bad they can eventually wound us in a way that won't heal.  Being social creatures can really suck at times.  But that's life.  The fact everyone else is going through the same thing doesn't help any at all.


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