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Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Stupid Changes Ending August...


My week plans got turned around.  About an hour after I posted yesterday, the dentist office called to reschedule my appointment for today.  The best I could get was for 2 weeks from now.  If they had done this a week earlier, it wouldn't have been a deal.   But things had to be juggled for that appointment.  The juggling happened, but my appointment didn't.  I had 4 appointments changed this month, 2 should've been a little over 2 weeks ago, 1 last week & another this week.  Now, I still have 2 lingering into September.  It's hard to get it together when no one else will.

It's irritating, but I'll get through.  August is ending on annoyance.  Other than that, it was the best month of the Summer.  Hopefully September will do well.  So goodbye August & being 55.


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