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Thursday, August 25, 2022

Countdown & Uggh...


This is the final week of my birth year.  After that, it's a full year older.  There are some tentative plans.   They're rather soft & loosely defined, right now they need to be.  It's not much, but I have a lot going on next week & there really isn't much I want to do at the moment.  I'd love to go see a movie, but that requires 2 things, less disease ridden idiots & a movie I actually want to see.  Neither of those things are going to  happen by next week.

I've not felt great for about a month.  It  started with the microburst & then the fallout from it.  Besides just the power outage issues,  there was the actual fallout.  Trees, power poles/lines, parts of houses littered the streets.  The debris hung around for week as crews tried to clean it up.  Some of it is still here.  Then came the burning.  Then came the mold, mildew & whatever else was on those things getting into the air.  I've felt a little allergy off to full on sick ever since.

Yesterday, every neighbor mowed.  Then our guy showed & mowed our lawn.   I was already having sinus/allergy issues.  There's been a lot of little nose bleeds & digestion issues.   This just  made  things  worse.  I woke in the middle of the night.  It wasn't  a full on panic, but I was anxious & stressed.  It took me forever to get back to sleep.  That's the 1st stress  night I've had in awhile.  I'm still spent from it.  I'm glad we don't anything to do today. Yesterday was allergy ridden & stressful.  Hopefully today is better.


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