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Saturday, August 13, 2022

Risky Differences...


Occasionally I see pieces over suicidal tendencies among teens living with HIV.  Sometimes, the authors miss the point.  It's not the HIV that's driving these teens more destructive behaviors.  It's just another point of difference in their lives.  The more removed or  disenfranchised anyone feels, the more apt they are to strikeout against others or themselves.

HIV isn't the cause.  It's a complication.  It's another thing making these people feel isolated, different, ashamed...  Suicide isn't always an action taken by those who wish to die.  Sometimes, it's the last act of  someone who can't bear living as they were.

Anything the causes a person to be living more on the fringe can lead to situations like this; race, class, religion, ethnicity, sexuality, etc...  HIV was just  another weight on top of an already unbearable burden.  Sometimes, these people can't bear the weight & can't figure out how to lighten their load.


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