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Thursday, August 23, 2018

2 Brighter Side Post...

I woke to another gloomy day, but I'm trying to see past it.  At least this morning's drear was due to rain & not just atmospheric bad attitude.   A little more rain & the precipitation we've gotten this month will surpass August's monthly average by several inches.  Actually, a bit more & we'll meet the monthly averages of August, September & October.  It's been a weird, wet August.

The 1st nice thing is another article on once monthly injections for treating HIV.  It's an interesting read & also brings up the possibility of alternative longer lasting oral medications.  Like pills that's effects could last up to 10 days.  For me that would currently mean 3 HIV med pills a month, instead of 30.   The cost levels should even out or even drop.  It'd seem the regimen adherence would improve.

The next brighter thing is bittersweet.  This piece details how Camp Sunrise is closing out it's final season for young campers living with HIV.  The camp was established during the 90s when dying from HIV was still a common event.    Children had this camp to come meet & interact with other kids like them.   

With advancements made in treatment & prevention of the spreading the virus from mother to child & other factors, the camp feels it has served its use.  They think it's time to close  up shop.  Good news regarding HIV.  Sad news for all the campers whose lives were made a little easier, fuller & happier due to Camp Sunrise.  


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