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Sunday, August 26, 2018

Another Bright Morning...

This will be short.  I didn't find much to write over.  At least it's a bright, shiny morning.  Of course, that means all the neighbors are in mow-mode, even though they just mowed their yards 4 days ago.  Oh no! That blade of grass grew 2 whole millimeters.   The green dragon must be slain.

My roomie's uncle will be by this afternoon.  It's been a while since he's been in the area.    Hope his trip goes well.

I read an article questioning why everyone living with HIV wasn't on medical regimens.    It's a sincere question asked by an apparently naive person.  There are a host of issues regarding the matter of HIV treatment, from social to economic.  Treating the world sounds great.  How do you get passed the social barriers, like stigma?  How do you pay for all of this?    Who will foot the bill & why?  Kumbaya is great & all, but it doesn't pay the bills or deal with all the other issues surrounding the treatment of HIV.

Take care.


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