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Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Rain & Injections...

There are articles out this morning on GlaxoSmithKline's (GSK) new, once monthly injection to fight HIV.   This injection has some serious benefits.  It's a dual drug regimen.  That should lower its price point & its possibility for reaction or interaction.  It would have to be administered by a health official, therefore the patient would have to see someone at least monthly.  There's nearly 30 less chances per month to forget to stay on a regimen.  That should up adherence.  So far, it seems like a good thing.  

It's still raining.  We got somewhere around 3" yesterday.  That's our monthly rain average in a day.  It's already to nearly 2" more rain here by 9 AM.  There will be flooding.   

My meds were delayed.  Now, they're supposed to arrive tomorrow.  I hate delivery screw ups.  I bet this rain got to them.

That's all for now.  Take care.


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