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Monday, August 13, 2018

No Fun Forecast...

I looked at the weather forecast this morning.  It goes out 15 days.  Anything past 3 days can have errors.    5 days or more can be completely wrong.  That's what I'm hoping for now.  

The next 2 weeks were a solid bank of cloudy days & possible thunderstorms.  All that will probably mean is a lot of gloomy, muggy days with little rain or sunshine.  I hate the drear-fest August has become.

This Summer was a lemon.  It failed to be Summer.  I know I should be thankful that we didn't have the hellish heat of other places.  Still some more seasonal weather & light levels would've been greatly appreciated, at least by me.

Let me be clear about Halloween & Christmas.   All they have to offer me is a few holiday specials & some cheap chocolate days.   Other than that, they're just pains in the ass.  I'd gladly trade them to stay in the light longer.


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