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Tuesday, August 6, 2024



Telehealth applications were present long before COVID, but they skyrocketed during it.  Tele-whatever just means something from or over a distance, instead of it being in the immediate vicinity.  I have a telemedicine appointment in September.  

IMO, while these tele things can be provide opportunities, save time & give options, in a lot of ways they aren't better.  A face to face conversation with a friend would probably be better than a phone conversation.  But, what if that friend now lives across the country?  The the telephone call may be the only option.

I think many flourish in tele-education programs.  My telemedicine appointments save me massive drive times & expense.   Instead of spending 5+ hours for a 15 minute appointment, I drive across town & I'm usually back in under 45 minutes.

But, there is a level of protocol & formality in the tele-meetings,  not present in real life.  It's easier to be removed, agreeable, brush over things, just to be done.  These tele-meetings bring out a falseness that can be awkward to overcome.

I'd never give up my tele appointments.  But I know I have better conversations with my PCP because we're face to face.  Telehealth is an amazing tool bringing aid to places that may have no other options.  However, like anything else, it can have it's limits.


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