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Thursday, October 22, 2020

Wound Up...


It used to be I was the only 1 getting wound up this time of year.  The seasonal yick was beginning & I was getting nervous.  Don't get me wrong, it is & I am.  However, it's worse now.  With COVID & this election, it seems like the whole world jumped in this little alcove of anxiety with me.  

Sometimes, it's the more, the merrier.  That isn't now.  Being anxious & stress ridden is bad enough when I'm the only person going through it.   But when everybody else is as well, it's too much.   It feels like there's very little solid ground & what's left, keeps eroding.  

I'm trying not to have a bad morning.  Sometimes, I can manage that, but it's never easy.  Now, with everything else falling apart & other people losing themselves to this, it's even harder.  I know they don't mean to add to my stress, but they do.  Worse than that, they're crowding in & destroying what few anchors I had left.  I really don't like most people. 

What I can say, people need to find a way to lessen these stress levels,   If not, we're a clock wound to tight.  Soon, the gears will grind & the springs will break.  Something has to give & it might be the people.

Maybe tomorrow there'll be articles & it'll be less about me.  Take care.


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