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Monday, October 26, 2020

Worse Morning...


It's a crappy morning.  The skies are grey & puffy.  It's been drizzling for hours.  I hate this time of year.  Normally, I'd at least get some small outings here & there.  Now, thanks to COVID & other issues, all I do is go from the house to the car.  Maybe to a store if I'm lucky.  I'm sick of this.  I hope everyone who kept this corona crap falls over dead.  

On top of that, the weather will only get worse.  I still need to get other stuff handled that I thought we had planned for.  Then there's stuff to handle that wasn't even about me at all.  I'm tired of handling others' stuff & no one handling much for me.  It's just reinforcing the fact, I've got me & that's pretty much it.  Always such a great thing to know.

Rant's over for  now, take care.


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