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Thursday, October 29, 2020

Not Really Here...


Not really here right now.  We've been dealing with COVID since March & for the most part I've done reasonably well.  However, we're heading into my bad part of the year.   We've been grey for days & I can really feel it.  This year, there's nothing to do for distraction.  There's no one else, it's just me.  Everything else is just pulling at what little I have left.  

If there's nothing left to help me, then to hell with the rest of it.  At least I get interaction from the porch cat I feed.  I get small moments of joy from watching the squirrels & birds.   The rest of it brings mostly tiresome drama & demands.  I'll do what I can & to hell with the rest.  In the end, I'm the only person helping me.


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