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Wednesday, October 28, 2020

No Prescription Required...


This piece says Colorado will soon make it possible to get PEP (post exposure) & PrEP without a prescription & insurance will have to cover it.  This may sound awesome, but it isn't.  I don't have a problem with the PEP part.  If a person has been exposed to HIV, then PEP should begin ASAP.  However, I've always had a problem with PrEP & allowing it without a prescription.

PrEP meds are HIV meds & those require lab work & maintenance.  This article doesn't talk about seeing a doctor, getting labs drawn or the damage HIV drugs can cause to your body.  Allowing PrEP without a doctor is stupid.  

PrEP gives too many people a sense of invulnerability.  It has to be take regularly to be effective.  It doesn't protect against any other STI's or pregnancy. What does & is cheap? DING DING DING!!!  If you guessed, condoms, you are correct.

But they don't like condoms.  They want to be impulsive & spontaneous.  They don't like the feeling.  So, nice of Colorado to help these needy people screw the way they want to.  Not to mention spread other STI's that are rapidly becoming resistant to meds.  Everyone say, "Yay!" for Colorado. 

Rant's over, take care.


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