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Saturday, October 17, 2020

Loose Threads...


Lately, I've felt like a fraying sweater.  Some well worn thing with little threads hanging loose.  A single, wrong tug would be disastrous. I keep tying things off, but more keep coming loose.

For the past several months, on top of the COVID crap & isolation.  It's been a series of, this needs to be handled, this needs fixing, we need to buy a new this thing, etc...  Maybe that's just life, but I don't have the energy for it.  It's just a continuous crapfest raining down leaving me nervous, anxious & exhausted.  I don't want this life.  I'm tired.

Now, it seems like I'll need a new computer sooner than I'd hoped.  Soon we'll need new phones & a plan to go with them.  There will be more expensives too & things are tight as usual.  Getting a computer isn't just about the $.  It's also the setup, meshing it with the others in the house, just getting used to it.  I didn't need this.

I'm stressed & spent.  My roomie got a gift yesterday & all I could see was another thing coming into the house.  How nice of me, she got a gift & I saw stress.  That was just ever so helpful.

On another not, this article, talks about ViiV's long lasting injection & the process it's making to get to open market.  It's a good update.


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