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Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Risk Takers...


Life is full of risks.  Some we have to take.  Most, like walking outside in the morning,  pose a very low threat of harm to us.  But some like things like x-treme sports, driving while impaired, batting at bears, etc... are very risky & dangerous.   Most people avoid those things or prepare the best they can for them.

During these last economic crises, many turned to extreme forms of escapism.  This led many to risky behavior like taking IV drugs & having unprotected sex.   Both, are likely to lead to contracting various communicable illnesses.

During the time of COVID, some previously safe behaviors have become problematic.   Some people are so starved for contact, normalcy & the need to support some belief, they actively engage in unsafe practices.  They even ridicule those who try to protect themselves.   

To those attending large gatherings, not following safety measures & belittling those trying to be safe, the odds are not on your side.  When you or those you care about get ill or worse, you are responsible for that.   If you're going to bellow about how proud you are not to be scared & do as you like.  Then be equally as proud of the damage you've sown.  Own your actions & the consequences.  That's called being an adult.   May the odds be with those unfortunate  enough to have you in their lives.


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