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Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Chilled & Heated...


The weather flipped again.  My allergies are shot, but we dropped into the 40s last night.   The abrupt changes in temps aren't fun.   This weather is doing its best to give people a cold.

I'm finding my ability to be charitable is running low.  It was never that high.   But, people have tapped out what little I had.  

Last Spring I was being charitable about how people were handling COVID, it was new.  By Summer, I was concerned.   We knew about corona & people were being stupid.  Now, in Fall, I'm angry.   People are being spoiled, bratty asshats!   COVID was something that could've been over last Summer, but thanks to them, it's likely ruined all of 2020 & some of 2021.  Thanks a lot, idiots.

This rant isn't over.  I just don't have more to add at the moment.  Take care.


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