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Thursday, October 1, 2020

Goodbye & Hello


September has left for the year & October is here.  September wasn't a bad month, especially compared to the rest of 2020.   I can only hope for more from October.   I guess we'll see.   

It could get testy as things cool down.  There'll be more people indoors, less mobility, more election agitation, etc...  Try to remember we're all on this boat, so try not to rock it.  No one needs the drama.

The Berlin patient is in most the articles.  I wonder what it's like to posthumously famous.  Maybe it helps the loved ones.  I don't know.   Seems a little ghoulish on some people's parts.

The old month ended with trash going out.  The new month began with a clean slate.  Welcome October & take care.  May the colored leaves, decorations & treats abound.


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