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Saturday, February 2, 2019

Starting Spent...

Thanks to the SSI review ending out January, I'm entering February somewhat exhausted.  That level of stress is taxing & often affects me for days.  2 days later & I'm still trying to pull myself back together.  So much for managing stress.

I saw a couple of articles.  I'm not posting links.  The 1st piece covered a new idea about how a body's immune system & HIV interact.  It was trying to further research into a cure/vaccine.   It was interesting, very technical & in the end didn't really say all that much that was helpful for a lay person.   

The 2nd was about a HIV care management agency in New York saying there needed to more $ spent on HIV or the advances made may be lost.   The ideas were important, but vague.  By now most people, have figured out, Trump is out to destroy any gains made in the fight against HIV.   So, nothing new.

That's it for now, take care.


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