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Thursday, February 28, 2019

Running Late...

Ok, I'm running late this morning & we have shopping to do.  Made it to my doctor's appointment.  On the elephant in the room, there was little. He said we'd have to wait until the next MRI's & trip to the neurologist before we would know more about the stroke situation.  I already knew that, but I was hoping for a bit more info than I'd found on my own.  

My thyroid levels  & chest x-ray came back fine.   Some of the CT scans mentioned plaque, so even though I have decent cholesterol levels, he's prescribing a statin, at least for a while.  I'll see how I tolerate it.  It'll be the generic of Zocor.  I'll see him again in April.  Some time around then, I'll have a follow up MRI & then back to Tulsa for the specialist opinion.

For now it's a wait & see thing.  More later, take care.


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