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Sunday, February 3, 2019

Pot & HIV...

Many states allow medical marijuana.  Others allow recreational or least aren't prosecuting  many offenses.  There has been a notable discussion on HIV & THC.   This article is about that.

I won't attest to the efficacy of pot as a treatment or aid in dealing with HIV.  I don't use it, so I don't know.  Some research does suggest it helps.  However, marijuana is such a hot button topic, finding unbiased pieces isn't easy.  Read what you find & draw your own conclusions.   If it helps you, great!  If not, please don't inhibit others from finding comfort.

This topic will continue to grow.  It will excite & anger people.  Some will try to dismiss it entirely.  Every topic concerning HIV/AIDS has faced these reactions.  Even the virus itself, when it 1st emerged decades ago.


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